A New Brunswick Summer August-October 2009
We left Barcelona on July 30th on one of the nicest Delta Airlines flights we've been on in years, flying direct to Atlanta then on to New Orleans. We spent a week with Steph and Lou for all the important things like a visit to our favourite dentist and hygienist, my favourite hairdresser, Robert, a successful fishing trip out into the Gulf (Pat and Steph), beignets at Cafe du Monde with a friend from St. Cat's Guild at Church and a great dinner at Bayona! Pat found out he had to apply for his work visa in Spain at the Consulate in NOLA so set up an appointment for the end of August, which gave him time to gather all the paperwork and photos together. On August 7th, we set off in the 4Runner for New Brunswick. Four long days and 2100 miles later we arrived at the Calais-St. Stephen border and proceeded to import our worldly wealth back into Canada. This took two tries as we forgot all about our storage items in Houston since 2005! We decided it's not so easy coming home...
Finally we arrived at Grand Lake and made our home in sister Denise's cottage for the next two months. We were lucky with the weather for almost the whole time we were there. It got quite hot and humid for several days and we were glad of the fans! There was boating in Peter's Baja, swimming, playing ball with Anna off the dock, sharing of meals and stories every day. We saw Erika, Uncle Donnie and Aunt Monica, Jen and Ben and all the Colter clan. There was lobster, salmon, bonfires on the beach, a birthday bash for three of us on August 15th then a 60th party for Peter the following weekend. Then there were bears on Labour Day weekend at Serge's camp next door-a Mama bear and her two cubs! They were spotted on several occasions after that!
Denise and Brian's little cottage where we spent the summer facing the Back Lake

The view from the front steps of the Back Lake

Grand Lake as seen from Peter and Georgie's beach

Triple birthday celebration on August 15th: Kathie, Serge and Georgie at Elaine's camp

A boat trip to Gagetown for dinner on the patio at The Boot Pub

The best homemade ice cream sandwiches ever!

Ben and Jen arrived in time to party with Uncle Peter on August 22nd

Pat's famous sushi platter for Ashley's birthday at Morgan Lake

Saturday morning at the Boyce Farmer's Market, downtown Fredericton-memories of years gone by!

Highlights from Grand Lake walking from our lots in The Pines back to The Strip (3 miles)

A view of Sypher Cove in the distance

The strip with Grand Lake on the left and Back Lake on the right-there are some 75 cottages, camps and trailers in this two-mile "strip"!

A quiet place for the neighbours to watch the sun set on the Back Lake

The Back Lake as Fall approaches and everyone is gone home

Thanksgiving Sunday-my last day at the cottage

Fall fog rolls onto the Back Lake as the days get cooler

Pat left for his new job in Spain with Coty Perfumes on October 9th. I spent Thanksgiving Day in Rothesay, N.B. with the Shermans then moved into the O'Connor's house in Fredericton for another few days in order to tie up loose ends with the Sypher Cove house building and the plans for Steph and Lou's wedding next August 21st. I left for Montreal and New Orleans for one last visit with the girls on October 16th then joined Pat in Granollers, Spain on October 29th. A new blog, Bourques in Barcelona will soon follow...keep tuned!
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