Santa Fe, New Mexico October 12-15, 2007
A visit to Sant Fe is never complete without the requisite stroll along Canyon Road to check out the art galleries, sculpture gardens and of course, lunch! Below is one of our favourite little houses on a side street off Canyon Road, built in the local adobe style.

Entrance to Canyon Road

Stone chairs, anyone?

I've heard of buried in sand, but in paving stones?!?

Lots of movement here in these wind vanes

An afternoon outing up to the ski slopes past the beautiful aspens in their fall glory

We took the chair lift to the top of the mountain, nearly freezing to death in the strong cold wind, then walked down to warm up again!

Breakfast at the ever popular Pasqual's, where it's worth the hour-long wait for Sunday Brunch!
Pat, Joan and Bob

Jumpa lagi...